
Missions.Me 1Nation1Day Campaign in Peru


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The vision of 1Nation1Day is to unite the global church for the salvation and transformation of nations.

In June 2019, the country in focus shifted specifically to Peru, where 10,659 missionaries from 43 different nations spent 1 week serving and witnessing tin over 30 different cities throughout Peru. Missions.Me's 1Nation1Day campaign's goal is to work with local churches to meet local needs through relationships and partnerships with the global church, businesses, and organizations. In order to open the door to a nation's heart, one must reach the practical needs of the nation, so missionaries conducted over 14 medical clinics that serviced over 90,000 people, built 47 clean water systems, encouraged and witnessed to over 500,000 children in schools across the country.

The goal was to ignite a movement carried on by the local leadership and churches, uniting them together with Christ's love and truth as the foundation. Over 1.1 million Peruvians were met face-to-face in outreach throughout the week and at the culmination, 10 simultaneous stadium events across the nation. Paul and wife Gerri Donnelly served faithfully in medical clinics and schools in the capital, Lima.

"We have never experienced such a large endeavor with such a level of God’s intimacy with us and the people we were able to touch," says Paul.