
Missions.Me 1Nation1Day Campaign in Peru


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The vision of 1Nation1Day is to unite the global church for the salvation and transformation of nations.

In June 2019, the country in focus shifted specifically to Peru, where 10,659 missionaries from 43 different nations spent 1 week serving and witnessing tin over 30 different cities throughout Peru. Missions.Me's 1Nation1Day campaign's goal is to work with local churches to meet local needs through relationships and partnerships with the global church, businesses, and organizations. In order to open the door to a nation's heart, one must reach the practical needs of the nation, so missionaries conducted over 14 medical clinics that serviced over 90,000 people, built 47 clean water systems, encouraged and witnessed to over 500,000 children in schools across the country.

The goal was to ignite a movement carried on by the local leadership and churches, uniting them together with Christ's love and truth as the foundation. Over 1.1 million Peruvians were met face-to-face in outreach throughout the week and at the culmination, 10 simultaneous stadium events across the nation. Paul and wife Gerri Donnelly served faithfully in medical clinics and schools in the capital, Lima.

"We have never experienced such a large endeavor with such a level of God’s intimacy with us and the people we were able to touch," says Paul.

Overcoming Obstacles & Planting Hope in Madagascar

Helicopter or private plane is sometimes the only way to access remote villages in Madagascar, to provide supplies, medical attention and share the Hope of Jesus Christ.

Helicopter or private plane is sometimes the only way to access remote villages in Madagascar, to provide supplies, medical attention and share the Hope of Jesus Christ.

In 2015, the Optivest Foundation was first led to Southern Madagascar alongside ministry partner Dynamic Church Planting International, where one particular Board member’s heart was captured by the needs of many unsupported people who live across the country's vast, rugged terrain. The ethnic group in this region is defined in church planting language as an ‘unreached people group’ because it does not have an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement. Other contributing factors to this definition are the remote location, absence of national support, severe drought- prone topography and little to no agricultural development.

Since 2015, members of the Foundation have traveled with DCPI annually and developed a personal relationship with local missionary and leader of the Jesus Family Kingdom ministry, Sedera Rakotoaritsifa. Together, they've developed strategic plans to access remote villages to provide clean water wells, medical and dental care, and plant churches that Sedera continues to foster.

PB&Jesus Delivers Health & Hope in Malawi


Since its beginnings in 2011, PB+J Foods, Inc (Peanut Butter and Jesus) has been able to reach thousands of children in the Nkhoma valley of northern Malawi assisting them out of malnutrition and starvation with a fortified peanut butter mixture. Along with delivering this much needed food product, PB+J shares the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard His gospel of love.

In addition to providing funds for expanded plant capacity, the Optivest Foundation recently provided funds toward the completion of a nine unit guesthouse located next to the local village hospital where the PB+J manufacturing plant is located. The new Hope’s Inn provides housing for visiting medical personnel, students and guests as well as a stream of income to subsidize the cost of the freely distributed food product.

Optivest Foundation on OCBJ’s Private Foundations List

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(As reported in the Orange County Business Journal, September 7, 2015): “…Dana Point-based Optivest Foundation is the only newcomer to the list. It made $604,058 in total contributions last year, with $302,497 of that given to Orange County charities. Optivest is ranked No. 25. It was founded in 2007 and is funded by 10% of the gross revenue of Optivest Inc., Optivest Properties LLC, and Coil Partners, according to the foundation’s website. It has invested more than $2.3 million in local and international areas since 2007.

Trish Van Mourick, who founded the Optivest Foundation with her husband, Mark, said the rise in contributions can be attributed to the Optivest companies’ increased profitability in recent years. The foundation donates mostly internationally, with some local giving, and to Christian-based causes.

‘We have multiyear projects in Rwanda, Zambia, and India, and focus on projects that will be sustainable in the future,’ Van Mourick said. ‘We are passionate about international projects because we really see our investment dollars go so much further.’ One of the current projects listed on the foundation’s website is the Freedom Climb, an annual event when women from around the world climb Mount Kilimanjaro to ‘raise global awareness, prayers, and funds for women and children who are oppressed, enslaved, exploited, and trafficked throughout the world.’ ” CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE